Saturday, August 8, 2009

8th Aug

Gawd,, I'm up in the early hours of the morning again! My eyes are hurting from reading books and computer screens, cant be good for my eyesight, I'm getting really paranoid about that, no way do I want glasses, I can barely wear sunglasses for longer than an hour... but I managed to read most of the bottom line which she said was good... A tip for you people, do not wear loads of mascarra when visiting the optitians its rather distracting when after having your hand over one eye your eyelashes stick together and make that tugging feeling which in turn makes your eyes water :P

Damn software kept freezing up my computer but I managed to get some OKish photoshopping done...

My sister just arrived back from clubbing a few minutes ago so she woke up the whole house... well my mum as I was already up but my mum didnt know that.
I forgot to eat dinner again... seriously my memory! I blame the caffeine, I had diet Pepsi. I dont drink fizzy drinks. I dont drink caffeine. And I definitely dont drink drinks with Aspartame as I am slightly allergic. This drink had all three in it. But I was hot after being outside in the heat (yes, it was sunny for once) and there was no water or juice in the fridge. I've eaten a fuckload of junkfood (250g chocolate bar, crisps + a whole packet of chocolate digestives) so I wont starve though. Honestly somedays I'll eat next to nothing or nothing and others I'll eat loads, I could do with some Skittles, or Ben&Jerry's cookie dough ice cream. Damn, what did I say the other day about junk food... must eat healthier.

Oh right so I was reading my book earlier (the How To Be Popular When Your A Social Reject Like Me by Meg Cabot, I finished it a few hours ago and am now reading Holes by Louis Sachar... I loved the Holes film with Shia LaBeof, funny his character in Even Stevens was Louis... funny how he went from that dorky kid to one loads of people fancy... man, I said I get distracted easily!!) what was I saying... Oh yea, so in the book it mentions a scene in the film Ever After (the bit where Drew Barrymore enters the ball in her winged outfit) and earlier on I had been watching the film (this was all like yesterday...or the day before? well I thought it was a coincidence.

Anyway I'll post the pictures well I jsut post this one as the others are all kind of either in this one (the Tokio Hotel logo in my eye) or really simialar. You'll probably notice a couple of pics from the depression picture, I tried to cover up the writing and cuts I created lol but "it was badly done Emma, badly done" (that was a quote from Jane Austen's book Emma in case you didnt know, my grandfather always says that to me, in a jokey way of course as I'm always on my best behavior when visiting him ;))
The picture above is Tokio Hotel related as I made it for my new cherrytree records account which I created so I could send that Team Tom petition to someone. I sent it to Martin, I don't know how involved he is with the band but he mentions them on his page and he's always popping up in conversations on

Anyway, like I said before please dont use the pictures as I dont want to be all over the Internet... if you click on the picture it's sooo much better quality :)

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