Sunday, December 27, 2009

27th Dec

Ok so I dont really use this as much,, I really tweet instead but uhmmm...

It was christmas two days ago,, and an awesome one at that, I got the CDs I asked for and plenty of band merch... so yeah... New years next ;D

Friday, December 18, 2009

18 Dec

Nomnomnom... lalala posting a banner I made... not for me.

So I ended up walking out of my exam... which means I have to go back monday... and I'll prbably miss my cousins party... SUCKISH!!

Stupid panicillnessflustuff... YEAH I HAVE FLU!! Dx


So yeahh... BOOGA :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009



11th Dec

Gah!! I haven't posted in a while again! I've had so much on... My mocks started this week today I had 3 exams, 5 test papers... I'm shattered right now xD

I have to go in the drama studio for most of my exams with all the people who need extra time cause of my social phobia... though I dont have extra time I still feel stupid. And people probably think I'm stupid if they dont know I'm in the top sets... *sigh*

I have a couple more exams tomorrow and then loads next week... kill me now xD

CHRISTMAS SOON!! I am not actually in THAT much of a Christmas mood... I've only put up 2 of our xmas trees.. theres one more that I need to put up but to be honest I don't think anyone can be bothered x'3

I haven't got an advent calendar either which seems to shock everyone... and I'm not giving out xmas cards cause no one is in cause of the exams... well they are I have gotten a few but I can'y be bothered :P

We are MEANT to be in school according to our headmaster (who is a total dickhead,, I'll explain why after) but our head of year says we can have study leave... I went to school yesterday even though I ad no exams and there was no more than 5 people in ANY of my classes except math and my math teacher didnt turn up!! shes hopeless seriously I do not get that at all.

Anyway the reason my headmaster is a jerk? He was so rude to me the other day... yes my uniform was wrong so he stopped me and wrote in my planer telling me to go into his office the next day (he was NOT impressed with my TokioHotelified planner... his face xD lmao!) and so when I asked him where his office was cause I dont know do I? Its not like I get in trouble, he walked right past me... and its not that he didnt see or hear me cause I spoke loud and stood in front of him... so I went in correct uniform the next day and he still had a go at me! Well stuff that I'm wearing what I want thanks.

Anyhow I'll leave you with this picture... made me laugh so hard... aww Tomi (L) xD

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

25th Nov

Hmmm... so coursework and illness is whats up with me recently.

For some reason this morning I decided to go into school in proper uniform (including the jumper!) which I never do,, and I decided to leave off my usual eyeliner and dark eye makeup. I have no idea why I did, maybe I was just tired of people commenting on my makeup? well THAT didn't work,, all I got was "Ohmygawd,, I cant get over how different you look!!" I cant win. Anywayyyy back to the point, today we had a meeting with our deputy in school about our grades and attendance (coughcough),, and if I HAD been in my usual attire I'm sure he would have had ago at me as hes really strict.

Anyways,, about my grades,, in some of my subjects I'm on an A,,, AND I'M STILL UNDERACHIEVING??? I MEAN WTF!!!! AN A IS GOOD!!!!!!!!! I AIN'T NO GENIUS HERE!

so anywayssss,, he started talking about my attendance... now that was awkward,, I had to explain about my illness and shit AND THE DOOR WAS WIDE FUCKING OPEN IN THE SIXTH FORM!!!!! THE SIXTH FORM!!! (where may I add BILL could have been),, even though I dont like him anymore (but I saw him swimming the other week,, his body is FINEEE!!) *goes off in dreamworld* uhhh where was I?? Oh yeahh and then I made the teacher feel all guilty... I hate people pitying me D:

So yeahh,, I am back to my amazing photo editing shit xD

I made new fanfic covers for my story,, They're posted above,, I was quite proud of myself ;D
CHRISTMAS IN A MONTH!!! I'm allready listening to my xmas tunesss. My faves have to be Last Christmas-Wham and Christmas time (Don't let the bells end)-The Darkness ^.^

Bye for now :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

17th Nov

Oh my, I haven't posted in forever (feel BAD Tokiogirl!!)

Weeeeelll... I have my mocks coming up before xmas a a fuckload of coursework deadlines. THATS MY EXCUSE!! xDD

plus,, theres not really a lot I have to discuss D:

I SAW BARNEYYY,, the purple pedophile you know the one kids ;)
well well well... yeahh thats it, sorry for such a crappy update!! D8
Oh yeahh,, I was really happy cause Tokio Hotel totally PWNED the JonASS brothers at the EMAs, they beat them for an award (why were the AMERICAN band nominated for the EMAs anyways?) and yeahh their performance rocked...
I'll try to find something interesting in my life that I feel good enough discussing.

I'll just leave you with some lovely pictures of The Sunset Triplets and Tokio Hotel to make up for it.

Sorry, byee :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

24th Oct

OK so today I was in a brilliant mood, I was having an awesome hair day without even doing anything to my hair! I'd gone shopping in my city's new mall (getting lost multiple times XD) I'd gotten some new coloured skinnys, and some makeup that I wanted and I even got a Tokio Hotel 2010 16 month calendar that starts September this year MEANING that I could finally throw away my Jonas Brother calendar AND the calendar also came with stickers so I managed to pimp up my school planner,, but then I go look in the mirror and what to I find MAJOR BREAKOUT!! major buzz kill. And ok to some people it may not seem so major but for me it is,, and also I feel obese I've managed to gain another pound which means in about 3 months I've put on 5 or 6 pounds, and yeah I may have grown a little and yeah my boobs are a little bigger but I think due the the amount of exercise I do (next to nothing) and the fact that I'm eating more,, bleh :)) And yet I'm still eating a biscuit... way to go!

Lol, I posted my fanfic!! and made a banner (which I've posted above) my second chapter just got validated and I've started on the 3rd so yay!!

Anyways I'm missing XFactor so SHABAM! (that was me leaving ;))

Friday, October 23, 2009

23 Oct

OK, so I know I havent posted in a while but I have been rather busy, this week I had my work experience. I went to work in a nursery. All my friends though this was hilarious seeing as I hate children, but actually after this week I think theyre rather passable and maybe even adorable ;)

So yeah, I also got Humanoid, its good but I do miss Bill's old voice,, it seems a bit more strained now I dont know whether its just the new style of music or because if his vocal surgery or something or other that he had. I also bought their Zimmer 483 DVD which is actually pretty awesome, although an English version of their concert wouldn't go amiss either, but now I really miss their old looks, theyre just not the same anymore :/

Oh and I finally started writing my own fanfic, I'm not sure whats gonna happen yet but its gonna be some sort of boarding schooly thing. Its a Cinema Bizarre one but I may include the twins as I love Kiro/Bill stories :)

So yeahh I'm gonna start making a banner for it now.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

13th Oct

Ok so my dad gave me this book 'how to master anxiety' it was meant primarily for him, he has one on depression too. See where I get this from?? See why I resent him so much?


ughh.. so yeah. I think just about everyone forgot about my spaz on saturday since the pictures of another girl at the party stripping surfaced on facebook haha. But my friend DOES have a video of me dancing and miming to Michael Jackson that shes threatening to post XD

I miss the old Tokio Hotel, theyre just not the same anymore *sighs* theyre so serious. What happened to teaching people dirty words and sausage faced Bill??

Well,, I'll take a read of these books over the next few weeks... maybe I'll find something to post on my other blog?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

11th Oct

Ok so I JUST about remember the other night. I remember dancing and having a laugh, but I also remember crying about how ugly I am and having a panic attack under a table outside LOL. I think its safe to say I wont be drinking for a while, I now have this horrible strain in my neck... I have no idea how I got it, I don't really remember much else :P
I have spent most of the morning cringing and am not looking forward to facing everyone, I'll manage to laugh it off. But what do you expect? I have drank properly since almost a year ago!

Ok so I'm gonna finish reading this fanfic and head off to bed. I've spent most of the day doing coursework and trying to recover lmao.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

8th Oct

OK so I am really really tired,, I might just about fall asleep on my laptop.
My back and shoulders are killing me, you have no idea how heavy my school bag is, and I had to carry it around town and walk all the way down to the university after school. Plus apparently stress causes shoulder pain, and boy am I stressed!!

Yeah, so I am not really looking forward to uni, I visited my sister today (I dunno if I mentioned, but she moved out a few weeks ago) she has a TINY flat, no seating area, and her bathroom is a wetroom (meaning the shower is just in the middle with no door or curtain so the whole bathroom gets wet, yuck) and she has no TV or internet, we just watched Final Destination 3... well the first half hour before I left. And the highlight? a drunk college dude saying we looked like prostitutes (cause we were waiting on a corner to get a lift home by one of my parents, though my shirt was a bit short, ITS SHRANK IN THE WASH D:) ughh I think I'll stay at home thanks.

Oh and yesterday I was in school until 7:30pm! For a business project, OMG sooo stressy. I'm in a group of 4 and we had to make a product to sell and all this shit, my and my friend did most of the work (well, to be honest my friend did, but shes a bit of a control freak, I helped out best I could) the other two, particulalry one did basically fuck all. Oh and I don't like Bill anymore I've decided (not Kaulitz, the other one) I cant be bothered and I just really, dont.

Oh on the upside I got TOYZ (the Cinema Bizarre album) -dances- its good! But there was a delay in Humanoid (the Tokio Hotel album), so I wont be getting that for another month.

So yeahh,, another joy-filled post, woot! ;)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

30th Sept

Oh my, Its been a while.

Well a lot has been happening so I've been... well not bothering to waste my limited time posting.

Shit, I haven't done my geography.

Well I have dyed my hair,, It is now a purple/red/darkbrown colour thing... I got a lot of compliments so I'm guessing its good. Only one person said they preferred my old hair but we dont care about him ;)

Uhmm,, I went to the hospital yesterday, got x-rayed and shit. Saw my insides... it was swell ;) I had to wear one of those gown things... they are NOT easy to put on and are NOT comfy and I was just laying there for an age. Awkward XD

Well my sister has moved out, hopefully she'll give me a tour on friday (hopefully there'll be fit uni guys ;)), I have a half day in school. It sucks though cause I kinda miss her a bit,, and I need a lift to a party next week as my parents are away D: I dont know how I'm going to get there!!

Anyways yeah also coursework and stuff and oh Saturday skittle madness with my friend = hilarity. Fun times... so yeahh thats about it I cba telling you EVERYTHING I'll be here forever and people keep talking to me now.
Ughh my friend says I should get the bus, at midnight by myself? I DONT THINK SO!!!
Oh my friends are so epic! XD

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Warning Moaning And Whining Alert

*sighs* I am so sick right now :/

I have homework and coursework but I am too ill to do it... I need sleep. I'm not even going to have a proper weekend, I'm going around someones house to do business and I have soo much work...Hold me I'm drowning.

People are pissing me off so much, but I hate/refuse to argue or bitch to other people so I'm just gonna write it on here. My best friend is constantly slagging of my friends, its really unfair I'm always nice about her friends, she doesn't even know my friends yet she thinks its OK to say horrible stuff about them to me, I really don't like it. Of course I just kept quiet, I don't want to fall out with her, too much drama and I don't need anymore. She can annoy the hell out of me sometimes.

The others aren't much better, one person I think I called Haylie before, well her and Chloe are like BFFs right? Which is great, I don't mind but what I do mind is that when I'm in the middle of a conversation with Chloe and Haylie comes up to us Chloe will completely blank me and talk to Haylie, and then if I try and finish my conversation Haylie screams at me for interrupting, I have given up talking to them too much hassle. And god they are violent! Especially Haylie, I mean Choe will poke me, find I'll just poke back jokily but Haylie she will actually HIT me, I'm like fucking hell abusive much? I hate people touching me in any way, and they know that! Just walk away, walk away. At least I have Sarah shes my saviour, kind with a hint of wackiness ;)

Don't even get me started on the rest of the shit, especially guys. Shoot me please?

Sleep. Need. Sleep. *walks like zombie* :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

18th Sept

Thank God Its Friday!!!!!

I am exhausted. Good news... my friend finally said yes to going out with a guy she likes!! I'm so happy for her! She was a bit blah after (due to her obsession with Zac Efron she wanted to stay single) but I went all relationship guru on her ass and made her see the light ;)
I have soo much coursework and shit to do this weekend. That is if I actually manage to wake up tomorrow ;D

Thursday, September 17, 2009

17th Sept

I'm so tired!!!

And I doubt I'll be having much of a lie in on the weekend as I have more and more coursework that need to me complete. Arghhh I cant even type D:

Boys are more hassle than they are worth. Seriously. I'm trying my best to ignore the one who likes me as I don't want to lead him on in ANYWAY and apparently he likes it when people are mean to him AND when they are nice so I'm hoping ignoring will work. The guy I DO like however seemed perfectly happy to egg on the girl who was flirting with him earlier when I was sitting by him. I of course pretended that I didn't care but boy, she ain't subtle. She seems nice though, damn it ;)

Oh well I have too much work to get into more drama. Work Work Work. My life is sooo hard ;)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

16th Sept

So many deadlines... ouch I just hit my knee on my desk.

Coursework this exams that D:

And prom! its only the second week of school and people are already sorting out dates for prom! I think I'll just go with my girlfriends, there are no good guys in our year, that are single anyway (:

Oh my, the guy (Idk if I mentioned it before but... w.e) that I thought might have a crush on me apparently does, my friend told me that he was talking about it. Kill me now. I just had to walk home with him, I was as cold as I could be but apparently that just leads him on WTF??
I will NOT go out with him, if he asks me I'll just say I like someone else. Which is true so, yeah.

Oh I am bringing out my Harry Potter geek again (thanks MLIA) shes been locked up inside me for a good year or so now.

I need to go do some geography coursework. I'm so tired.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9th Sept

Gosh, I have so much work to do, you'd think they'd ease you in on your first week back but no, its rush rush rush!! D:

Soooo tiringgggg...zzzz

Monday, September 7, 2009

7th Sept

Yuck, I feel sick and bleh.

Why is everything so complicated??? You know that surreal feelig you can get? Well it keeps washing over me more and more. I don't believe its real, even though I know it is. I dont make sense do I?

Well... School sucks, Boys suck, I suck, life sucks... but it could be alot worse and for that I'm grateful. I just need to work out a stratedgy, right?

And I need to cool down the fangirl in me, its getting tiresome. I'm tired.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Aww they turned out rather crap. At least Bill is hot enoughh to pull the grainy look off! Ahh well. I'm gonna go read some fanfic before bed me thinks. I'll post a couple of Cinema Bizarre pictures to compensate ;)

4th Sept

Well, It was the first day back to school, I didnt have a panic attack or anything which was good.
My timetable is... OK :P
It was nice seeing everyone I suppose doesnt really feel like I've had a holiday much!!

I saw the Automatic and Automatic videos,, Bill looks Gorgeous!! Like even better than usual if thats possible to believe lmao. I might put screenshots on another post.
Omg, I had this really awkward conversation with my friend, I think he likes me. I really hope I didnt lead him on in anyway as well I dont see how I could of I haven't seen him in 6 weeks but fuck. Nah I dont think he likes me... does he? Well we were talking about Bill and I asked if he thought he was hot, then he asked me omg its so confusing but I THINK he said I was hot, but I wasnt asking if I was... nahhh dont worry I cant explain!!

But I saw Bill today, not Kaulitz the other Bill, the Bill I actually know. And well I thought I was over him... idk. God I don't think I even want to date anyone!! Its too complicated!!!
So yeah moving on, I had the randomest conversation with my father at dinner, about drugs. My dad was telling me how he had some in college, he said it was like being drunk and felt good and made him happy... way to make me not want to try them dude!! lmao. My mum got pissed at him for telling me but I was like I know people who do weed (which was what my dad did, or something similar) and she was like what?!?!?! I just laughed :D

Omg I am officially invisible!! IT today 2 guys were handing out folders and stuff and both had to ask the teacher who I was. One of them had the same surname as me!! how could he not remember something so easy? And all our classes stay the same as last year so its not like we were just getting to know each other we'd been in the same class for over a year! So the teacher pointed to me and shouted out THIS IS ************** in front if the whole class while I cringed and hid behind a piece of paper.

Way to start the school year (Y)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

3rd Sept

School starts tomorrow D:
I need to do my coursework but I've been photo shopping and reading fanfic instead!! Its addictive!!
My latest ^^ you will find it on a fanfiction site the title of the story is in the picture as is the author. Chapter 3 is dedicated to yours truly ;D

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Better Picture

Oh, yayy I did a better one of Bill,, Imma post the one with Janeyyy94 across it so you cannot steal and take credit!!!

I made a better one but it has the Pokemon lyrics and stuff on it instead. I'm so proud of myself :D

Oh my family have just arrived almost an hour and a half after they planned to. Punctual.

2nd Sept

My fingers are like Jello... Idk why i say jello anyway and not Jelly I'm British!
Anyways,, I was watching Pokemon (the battle dimension) and I got the theme tune stuck in my head so I made a youtube video!! and i photo shopped some pretty cool TH pictures (I'll post them). I'm quite shit at photo shopping and they were a bit rushed but,, they're still cute ;)

Anyways,, I'm waiting for my cousin (or cousins,, idk yet) and aunt to come around, they were due over 45 minutes ago...
The pictures are jsut toughs for the video if I were to do them properly they'd be awesome ;)

Monday, August 31, 2009

31st Aug

I feel so forgotten! My family all went out for lunch (I stayed at home to do coursework) and I never got the memo that they were doing their own thing for tea, AND I didn't eat any lunch as we dint have anything. So its now past 10pm and I'm eating porridge... its actually really good though so they're forgiven thanks to my awesome cooking skills ;)

Oh I had another awesome outfit based around my pants :) They were short type pants again with grey,black,white,pink and silver jigsaw pieces on and 'wanna play?' written on the band (awesome I know) yeah so I wore it with a white vest top and grey cardigan,,, It looks good ;)

Yeahh, not much else to say. THE STAR!!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

30th Aug

I think I had the best outfit on today, I had no trousers on but I still looked awesome ;)

Lmao, I bought these new pants yesterday they are white with red apples on them and the have a red band with 'pick me' on it, I was wearing it with a white vest top and my giant red cardigan, I also had my nails painted red from yesterday and was wearing red, black and silver jewellery I have never felt so fashionable in my underpants, needless to say I spent alot of time dancing to funky music :D

I am so wearing the outfit out, though I MIGHT wear some trousers,,, ohh maybe my boyfriend jeans?? or my pale blue skinnys... or black ones... choices choices but yeah.

I finished To Kill A Mockingbird FINALLY nothing happens until the last few chapters anyway, its pointless I do not know how it became a classic. Sucketh.

I now am aiming to show my retarded side a lot more, after reading MLIA ( and realising how cool they are, I never knew that many people were Harry Potter freaks lol, I wanna read the books again.

School starts in less than a week D:

I'm SUPPOSED to be going on a 'family fun day' tomorrow, kill me now.
Btw KIRO LOOKS LIKE THE GOBLIN KING IN THAT PICTURE!!! (far left for those of you uncool enough not to know who Kiro is)

Yeah thats it. Woop Woop!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

27th Aug

Just came back from visiting the family for a few days, not fun.

I think everyone's family is slightly dysfunctional but... OMJ mine is beyond.

AND I just got my exam results!! I met up with my friend like... half an hour ago. I did OK for someone who has only been in 2 third of the year but it was pretty shit. 3B's an A and a C, I think I'll be resitting them next year. Ahh well at least I CAN resit it without retaking the whole of the year. My sister didn't have much luck either, she didn't get into her chosen uni she was one mark off, shes gonna go to the local one i think which is still pretty good...
School starts in a week...noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! I am NOT looking forward to the early mornings and well school itself, too much work :P

Well I have stuff to catch up on so... bye!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I thought they were funny :D