Saturday, June 13, 2009

13th June

Well, Only two more exams to go.

I know I got at least 3 questions wrong on my biology, 4 seeing as I missed one out.
My sore throat has now progressed from no voice and a blocked nose to a cough and a running nose, lush, I know :P

Anyway, I'm just trying to relax this weekend a little revision here and there.

I'm trying to think of a couple of good DVDs to get for my birthday, cheap ones. I've asked for a few that are about 2.99 and a couple of books. That probably will keep me occupied when I'm at my grandparents this summer. I hope they've got the Internet by now too, they always want to watch old films and periodic dramas on TV though and go out everyday so it shouldnt get too boring. I always know what I'm getting for my birthday before it comes, minus a couple of things like a top or skirt, this year I m getting my allowance (I get £30 a month plus £5 mobile top up). Christmas is different though I mean I know what my big present will be but not the little ones and the ones from other people. I might also be getting a laptop at the end of the summer after my exam results, I didnt ask for one but I think my dad has got fed up of mine crashing and having problems, I think my sister might be getting a new one too. It'll be expensive though with my sister going to college so I dont mind if I dont I like my current laptop.

My sister is going on holiday with her friends next week to the canary islands i think. Should give me an taste of what life will be like next year without her, no more 'my god are you home ill again?!' lol. Plus I can control meals more, salad salad salad :) no more gross pizza delivery's or pies and mash, yuk. I want to try being a vegetarian, or vegan for a few weeks. I might try over the holidays, after my tests have finished obviously and after my results come back.

The other day, last lesson me and my friends were goofing around and one of my friends said my other friend looked like a cat, so we started discussing what animal we look like, so my Friend sad my other friend looked like a squirrel, I started saying that someone wanted to change their name to tree rats, and we started talking about pests.

Anyways I always get really annoyed when there are signs saying 'please dont feed the pigeons' and stuff and when people call them pests. They're not really the pests, we are. I mean we 'humans' went and destroyed their lovely forests to build these big polluting citys, we ruined their habitats and food sources, some people (and this really annoys me) spit out their chewing gum on the street and every now and then you see a pigeon hobbling along all scruffy with clump of gum stuck on their feet making them mangled, how many must die from eating the stuff. They've ad to adapt to eating fatty carbohydrates instead of Berries and seeds. So yea you know I will feed the pigeons if I have food on me and you can shove your signs and authority! Haha weird rant.

Oh, And I brought skin it back! Stand By Me fans be proud :)

OMD, Its past 1AM I better go to bed, this ain't good for my cold.