Sunday, August 9, 2009

9th Aug

I'm getting really bad at going to sleep, late night I didn't go to sleep until 5am by then the sun had begin rising so it was all bright! Its nearly 2am *shakes head in self dissapointment*

I finished the Holes book and now I really want to watch the film... I dug out our old video The secret garden to watch, the quality wasn't brilliant but I love watching old movies that I used to watch as a child, I could remember the storyline but I could remember some scenes. Watching them now I'm older though I understand it a bit more, a a child you don't usually focus on the whole story but I managed to... its pretty similar to Jane Eyre with the tormented manor owner who gets a new lease of life due to a girl moving in kinda thing. Oh and the Gardiner in it is the slave dude in Ever After (my sister pointed this out, you know the servant Drew pretended to be a courtier to buy him back) anyway its a small world in Celebland :P

Oh and now I also want to watch Black Beauty because the boy with the white horse in secret garden was in it (horses coincidence, funny :)). My sister used to watch it all the time when we were kids but normally I would avoid it a I found it too sad, I think I can just about handle it now ;). I know we have it on video somewhere...
I think the pictures above are sweet... OMG SKITTLES!! I never noticed before.

I ate tea tonight as we had it as a family otherwise I would have forgot again according to my family, Hopeless. But I hadn't eaten much before I had popcorn, so it was ok... I am always self-conscious when eating popcorn as I have a funny way of eating it according to people, I get a handful and well pick it up with my tongue (sounds odd). Popcorn sticks to your tongue so that seems a logical way of eating it right? So yea, that's a fact about me; I get self-conscious eating popcorn!

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